Easing Chronic Pain with Feldenkrais (DVD) - MP4 also available

Regular price $29.95

Do you suffer from chronic aches and pains that you feel will never go away?
Have you tried different modalities to help and still your pain persists?

The Feldenkrais Method®  is an ingenious way to help people of any age or condition learn to move more comfortably and effectively.

This DVD will guide you through:
•Four relaxing and soothing 25 min sequences incorporating the Feldenkrais Method of somatic education, geared to help you to relieve such pains.
•Two guided meditations to assist you in letting go of the hidden beliefs and behavior patterns that may be interfering with your healing process.
• One guided demonstration to teach a caregiver how to provide a hands-on healing touch. These techniques are effective in easing another’s pain, anxiety, and discomfort.

All the lessons in this series are geared to get to the root of your long-standing pain and break unwanted habits and patterns. Expect to feel lighter, happier, and more pain-free!

These techniques are effective in easing another’s pain, anxiety, and discomfort.

The Feldenkrais®  Lessons focus on:
a. Breathing/Pelvic connection

b. Side-lying freeing all the parts of your shoulder, pelvis & trunk,
c. The jaw
d. How to sit with comfort.

All the lessons in this series are geared to get to the root of your long-standing pain and break unwanted habits and patterns. Expect to feel lighter, happier, and more pain-free!

If you prefer MP4 version rather than a DVD, please email shara@sharaogin.com following payment.