Unlock Your Potential
Hi, I’m Shara.

It’s not all the years of training, or the wonderful testimonials that qualify me.  Instead, it's my life experiences.  Having lived my entire life with a thick wall around me to hold my pain in and keep others out.  

I have now learned to dissolve that wall and the pain of isolation, and commit myself fully to self love. I too want this evolutionary peak state of love to find you!

To help more individuals, I am now offering single readings as opposed to only coaching packages!

Intuitive Coaching!

Clients often find me when the pain in their heart is bigger than the fear of doing “the work.” When the pain of still being single, feeling overwhelmed, lacking purpose, or overall discomfort is just too much! Can you relate?

My work powerfully clears past traumas, limiting beliefs, and long-standing patterns so that you CAN accomplish your goals and dreams and experience deep personal fulfillment!

Your Journey

All of our emotions and life experiences are stored in our bodies at a cellular level. My work as a holistic practitioner goes deep into the root of issues, finding and removing the origins of patterns that are no longer serving you!

For most of my clients, these are outdated stories of past, yet because they are interwoven into the thread of our nervous system, we keep replaying that same record player over and over again.

As your life coach, I create a safe space where you can connect to your passion, clarify your vision, and begin taking the necessary steps towards living the life you want.

I combine psychic readings, reiki, coaching, neuro-linguistic reprogramming, ancestral & karmic healing, as well as Feldenkrais® somatic therapy to help reprogram your limited assumptions and the beliefs and behaviors that prevent you from reaching your goals and dreams.

So you CAN live in alignment and be your highest and best self!

You can also find me on https://bookretreats.com/

What to Expect After a 1:1 Session:

Don’t be surprised if right after a session, someone we just did the reading on calls. Or the co-worker you’ve been having a difficult time with is suddenly nice to you, or if synchronicities and coincidences occur all around you. Patterns we just discussed may present themselves to you right after sessions in order for you to choose a different dynamic with them.

Discover powerful techniques to free yourself from pain and discomfort.

The Body Healing Program: Awakening Your Inner Healer is a transformational online course which will take you on a journey to alter various aspects of your skeletal system and nervous system so you heal yourself from the inside out!

Integrating the Feldenkrais Method of somatic healing & so much more, this program will help you to become your own best healer!


Subscribed members will receive invitations to Free Reading & Healing Circles

Testimonial for Retreats, Woman's Program & 1:1 Readings


My sessions have been deeply cleansing and healing.

I never would have thought that I had so much to clear up and clean up, and Shara makes it so graceful and simple. I'm also grateful that I can reach out to her with questions or get extra support if I really need it and boy does she deliver. My life has already gotten so much better as I experience new peace of mind, clarity and freedom that I didn't even know were missing!

- Lori M, Consultant

Thank you again for last Friday session.

 I felt a shift on Sat where suddenly I feel excited to create a new website and take steps toward creating the type of yoga I want to teach.  That feeling of "it won’t lead to anything" feels like it’s not there anymore.  I think the clearing stuff you did worked!  It was really great to talk to you about it.  Thank you for being so open and accepting and loving.  I really think you have a gift.  All that stuff you said was spot on.  

Sydney M, Yoga Teacher

I feel like this 6 month program is an extreme value!

I am physically and mentally stronger and happier than I was back in Feb. My physical symptoms have lessoned.

I’m less triggered by life events and my relationship with all my family members have improved, surprisingly even with my Ex and his wife!

Karen, M, Multiple Sclerosis sufferer & Marketing Pro

I have been glowing from your healing for months!

I had a fantastic healing from you on my fifth chakra. It really helped me to have the most fantastic family reunion with 27 people for a week at my moms house.  Everybody in harmony and having fun and no no big drama for the first time ever.  I was fearing going home before this healing. I have been glowing from your healing for months. 

Rev. Pauli Rose

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