Break Through Your Limitations & Fears
& Accomplish YOUR DREAMS!
Date TBD in 2025
~ Life Transformation Group Program ~
I will also be hosting a bonus class on NYE to release the energy of 2023, and call in an entirely new vibration for 2024!
Deets and registration HERE.
This program will help you break through limiting beliefs, and cyclical patterns, such as the types of partners you attract, patterns with co-workers, or unhealthy habits within side yourself.
Our goal is to help you to become the highest and best version of yourself so you can attract that which you truly want your way!
What are the benefits of this program?
Heal the traumas of childhood lodged deep inside our cells.
Get clarity on your hidden gifts and talents which fuel your life's purpose and create meaningful change in the world.
Heal the wounds of your family system that you are still carrying to this day.
Create prosperity from your heart -instead of your mind-, feel spaciousness & freedom from the inside!
Gain a deep sense of unconditional love, respect, and acceptance of yourself. Then radiate it outwards towards others around you.
Achieve high levels of resilience joy, happiness, inner peace-regardless of your outer circumstances.
Become the person who your ideal mate would most want to be with...then, call him in!
“My mission is to help you to come into full alignment with every aspect
of who you are. So you can soar through life with ease, grace & love.”
This course is for Women who are...
Feeling unfulfilled in their careers &/or not being compensated well enough
Wanting to advance their spirituality and understanding of thyself
Wanting clarity & support to get to the next level of their lives & release toxic patterns.

What to expect when you get to the other side...
Become the person who will magnetically attract your ideal partner your way (or improve the relationship that is already existing)
Improved relationship with your family and other relationships in your life
More career & personal satisfaction
More resiliency with whatever life throws your way
The program will take place in Three 2-month Modules
Module 1 - Healing & Clearing the past to the present
Module 2 - Family & Ancestral Patterns / Reprogramming imprints
Module 3 - Manifestation / Mind/Body/Spirit integration / Abundance / Purpose
Each Module will consist of:
Seven or eight, 90 min - 2 hr zoom weekly calls. These will also be recorded in case you miss a class.
Each module will have a break week in the middle, yet we will otherwise meet weekly. The break week will be an opportunity for you to catch up with any assignments and to meet longer with your accountability buddy and/or group. You will have my support as needed throughout the entire process.
One journaling and introspective homework assignment per wk, specific to the curriculum. Each week will build upon the next. I will assist you with these assignments as needed.
An accountability buddy to meet with regularly throughout the program. Someone who will help you to stay on track with your goals and practice some of the exercises with.
An online folder with all of our assignments, curriculum, videos to watch on your own time, and more!
**One 45 Min Psychic 1:1 energy check/healing each module
- Wk 1 - FREE Class - 5 Steps to Manifesting / manifestation clocks
- Wk 2 - Intentions / Powerful Belief Change / Inner Child healing - Clear the Limiting Beliefs & Stories that are keeping us stuck and small / Buddy Assignments
- Wk 3 - Positive Languaging / Communication / 5th Chakra
- Wk 4 - Parts Integration (through Morphogetic Fields)
- Wk 5 - Astrology of your purpose / Life Path & Into to purpose exercise
- Wk 6 - Break/ Catch-up Week - We’ll connect via email this week plus longer meet with Buddy!
- Wk 7 - Body/mind/spirit alignment + Towards Vs Away Exercise
- Wk 8 - Havingness/permission + other psychic tools (possibly Purpose & passion module)
- Wk 9 - Purpose & Passion - (Added bonus week)
- Wk 10 - Release/surrender / Full Manifestation (bringing it all together)
Schedule for Module 3 - Manifestation
More in-depth schedule at bottom of page.
We'll decide as a group which day of the week works best.
This program will be 9 weeks (with bonus + break week + FREE intro week), yet I'll throw in a 10th bonus week if there are 7+ participants!
Module 1 will focus on clearing & releasing & getting you on track!
Some of the components will include:
- Inner Child Healing
- AM/PM/Daily Practices
- A 21-day detox cleanse
- Remove stuck and negative thoughts & convert to gratitude and love
- Living from your authentic self / Rewriting that old story that's holding you back
- Clearing blocks on love and intimacy
- Body Image & love for the physical body / self-love
- 7 chakra rebalancing
- Accountability & goal setting (with a buddy)
*Featuring a supportive group to celebrate your wins!
Module 2 will have a focus on healing family imprinting and ancestral wounds.
Some of the components will include:
-Forgiveness and Acceptance
-Ancestral DNA Healing
-Family Constellations / Family systems work (to complete traits that are passed on in the subconscious through the lineage lines)
-Healing of family beliefs and subconscious covert messages such as:
“Money doesn’t grow on trees.”
“You need to work hard to make something of yourself.”
“Love is based upon what you do rather than who you are.”
- Soul purpose & clarifying your vision forward
Module 3 the focus is on Abundance & Calling in!
Some of the components will include:
- Love Manifestation
- Increase your receptivity and havingness levels
- Clear self-doubt as well as people and events that may be holding you back
- Manifestation tools and techniques
- Subconscious communication / 5th chakra blocks
- Opening Your Heart to love
Can pay via the button above or via:
Zelle - Sharaogin@gmail.com
Register by Nov 31st for Module 3
Bonus Gift #1: Receive a digital copy of my latest books on Kindle Unlimited, Unlocking the Body’s Wisdom, Accessing your Healing Power from Within Book + Workbook!
Bonus Gift #2: Free access to the NYE Calling in a New Vibration Class!
**Referral Bonus - $100 off for each woman you bring into the program!
** Register for 2 modules up front - save $100.
If you register at the end of the module for the next, there will be a $100 discount applied.
Warning: As soon as you register, the Course Begins! You will witness and be part of an escalating journey of healing, empowerment, insight and deep development!
Schedule for Module 3 - Manifestation!
(We'll meet weekly with 1 integration week in the middle. We'll decide as a group which day/time works best!)
** We will have 1 additional bonus week of there are 7 or more participants!
Week 1
⭐️ In the first class, Shara will perform a reading on each participant in the call and share where you are on the “manifestation clock,” (readiness to manifest).
⭐️ She'll also tune into specific advice and feedback that will help you to move the clocks forward. It’s an old adage, “You can’t rush time.” While this is true, just the opposite is true as well. There is a lot that can be done to speed up time. On the evolutionary manifestation clocks that is!
⭐️Big "D" and Little "d" desires
⭐️ Learn the 5 steps to manifesting formula
Week 2 - Clearing Limiting Beliefs
⭐️ In this class, Shara will provide personalized channeled information as to which beliefs and thought forms are standing in the way, as well as specific guidance on how to remove them.
⭐️ Powerful belief change / Inner Child healing to replace that belief. Expect a cellular shift!
Week 3 - Language/Communication
The words you speak have significant power to attract or repel all that is around you.
⭐️ In this class, you’ll learn how the words, the tonality, and the energy behind what you use to communicate are also aligned with your thoughts, beliefs, and actions.
⭐️ Learn positively languaging
⭐️ Learn all the ways your communication is actually blocking you from “having”
⭐️ Shara will perform a 5th chakra individualized reading and provide info as to where some communication blocks may be
⭐️ Diad communication Ex
Week 4 - This class will blow your mind, as we reveal and integrate the competing parts that are standing in the way of your manifestation
Week 5 -
⭐️ Shara will share your individual purpose and carreer indicators from an astrological perspective.
⭐️ Intro to Finding your Blissful Calling assignment
Week 6 - Break
Week 7
⭐️ Towards vs away (Learn how your actions and behaviors are either attracting things towards or away from you
⭐️ Body/Mind/Spirit alignment
Week 8 - counter-motives, competing voices, Havingness levels
How is your permission level to let in this new desire?
⭐️ Shara will guide you through energy clearing/visualization to expand your permission & havingness level.
⭐️ Learn tools that will help you to balance and run your energy.
(I'm actually debating making this week purpose & passion - Still TBD!)
Week 9
⭐️ We will review the other steps and then we will conclude with releasing our desire out into the universe.
⭐️ Release people, energies, and events who are no longer a vibrational match
⭐️ Shara will share a sacred ritual that will help to call the desire in.
I encourage everyone to keep in touch to support each other throughout the manifestation process!
Schedule for Module 1
- Wk 1 - Introductions / Intentions / Goal Setting / Food Portion Cleanse Prep / Accountibility Buddies / Meditation to Call in your future
- Wk 2 - Rewriting your "Story," Emotional Release Exercise, AM/PM Practices
- Wk 3 - Powerful Belief Change / Inner Child healing - Clear the Limiting Beliefs & Stories that are keeping us stuck and small
- Wk 4 - 21-day Cleanse Begins / Reiki Attunements of the heart / Clearing Fear - 1st & 2nd Chakra Clearing
- Wk 5 - Cleanse check-in / Space & Energetic Clearing/ Forgiveness / 3-4th Chakra Clearing
- Wk 6 - Chakras 5-6 + more
- Wk 7- Cleanse completes, 6th/7th Chakra (Meditation/intuition development) / Calling in & letting go + Celebration
- Wk 8 - The Body Class / Self Love / Alignment / Celebration
About the Module 1 Cleanse:
This will be a 21-day cleanse of the mind, body, & spirit!
Stick with it for 21 days and here’s what you can expect when you get to the other side:
–Weight Loss
–Enhanced Physical Energy
–Increased Mental Clarity and Focus
–Renewed Radiance and Vitality
–More peace and happiness in the comfort of your own home
~A shift in the people and experiences you now attract
Clearing out toxins both stored in your gut as well as the energetic space around you is a crucial component of attracting the love and abundance you so desire.
As the laws of the universe state, like attracts like. So why not raise your vibrational frequency to the highest possible and call in love, career, friends, and all that you want from this space!
In general, the diet will be a strict anti-inflammatory diet. That means:
Certain cleaning products will be encouraged, yet not to worry, everything about this process will be explained in depth on day 1, prior to the start of the cleanse.
By the end of the cleanse you will be able to differentiate between eating foods because they support your body's nutritional needs rather than for emotional reasons. This alone is a huge break through for many people and will result in you having more energy and vitality in your daily life.
Positive Applied Psychology will be implemented to increase our happy mood hormones and have us starting our days fully energized and alive! We will also methodically clear our physical and energetic space of any toxins, drains, and clutter, ending with a space clearing ceremony.
I will simultaneously guide you through a 21-day chakra cleansing process to clear and reboot your subtle energy system. Reiki Level 1 attunements will be offered for those who wish to exponentially accelerate the benefits of this cleanse. The attunement opens up an existing channel within our bodies to our enlightened self.

I’m so confident in this program that I offer an unbeatable money back guarantee.If you don’t benefit from the first class of the program, you can simply request a full refund. No questions asked!