A Rapid Soul-level
Growth Experience
Intuitive Coaching
It’s not all the years of training, or the wonderful testimonials that qualify me. Instead, it's my life experiences. Having lived my entire life with a thick wall around me to hold my pain in and keep others out. I have now learned to dissolve that wall and the pain of isolation, and commit myself fully to self love. I have learned how to live a life I am passionate about and wake up every day with enthusiasm and zest. I too want this evolutionary peak state of love to find you!
I have helped numerous individuals quantum leap into the relationships, career and abundant life they have always desired!
What is Intuitive Coaching?
I so often hear from clients that all the years of therapy and personal growth classes they have had don't even come close to the work we are doing together. For I have a unique ability to get right into the heart of the issue.
I combine psychic readings, reiki, coaching, neuro-linguistic reprogramming, ancestral & karmic healing, astrology, family constellations, as well as somatic body centric therapy to help reprogram your limited assumptions and the beliefs and behaviors that prevent you from reaching your goals and dreams.
Each of these modalities helps to re-pattern and reprogramming your entire nervous system, impacting everything from the way your breathe to the way you contract or relax your muscles, to the way you think and feel. This is why my form of work is so unique and powerful.
A psychologist usually is only able to work with what you bring to the table while my work is focused largely on what lies beyond what you remember or know. Deep within the layers of our subconscious is where our unwanted habits form, negative thoughts are created, and belief patterns reside.
My programs focuses on all major aspects of life including finances & career, health & wellness, relationships and love, passion & purpose, past life karma, and family.
To see a full menu of the sessions I may offer click HERE.
My life transformation program is for those who truly want to break through any stagnate or recurrent patterns in their lives and step into creating the life they truly want.
To learn more about how to get the most out of our work together click HERE.
Download our Coaching Agreement HERE to get started.
What to expect after a session
Don’t be surprised if right after a session, someone we just did the reading on calls. Or the co-worker you’ve been having a difficult time with is suddenly nice to you, or if synchronicities and coincidences occur all around you.
Patterns we just discussed may present themselves to you right after sessions in order for you to choose a different dynamic with them.
After our sessions, pain ailments improve, relationships improve or alter, and people begin to feel more the driver of the course of their lives as opposed to victim. Whatever Karma we came into this life with…..being treated unfairly, being misunderstood, being on the outside etc. this is all quite possible to change.
Long-term patterns come in layers, similar to layers of an onion. As one layer at a time gets peeled away, this most likely results in you feeling lighter, freer, and brighter.
The body has an ingenious way of revealing that which is ready to be released and removed. (Part of our work together is learning how to read & understand your body’s messaging system).
It’s amazing how after even my psychic sessions, the spine aligns, your walk is softer, more balanced and even.
About the Life Transformation Program:
Sessions are typically 90 minutes and combine coaching, readings/energy healing & hands-on bodywork (if in-person). Some additional bonuses you will receive in the 3+ month packages include:
A free copy of my book & workbook - "Unlocking the Body’s Wisdom: Accessing Your Healing Powers from Within".
24/7 accessibility via email & text & we can schedule phone calls between sessions as needed.
Discounts to my retreats & group programs.
Homework & assignments to complete in between our sessions (I’m happy to look over)!
A free pass to any of my classes (under $25) I am hosting during the time of your coaching package
Access to either my online self-paced Body Healing Program or my Intuitive Training Program.
One past life regression/ trauma clearing session (ave 2 hrs long), Family constellations (4 hr available for 6 mo - 1 yr program).

We will work weekly at first, and then by week 5 take an intigration week (as my work is fairly intense). Pauses are helpful to allow the information to seep in and integrate.
I primarily work with people for 6 months, yet I have chunked down my life transformation program to just 1-3-months to make it more accessible to more people.
If you choose to continue for the full 6-month package, you will get additional bonuses such as 1 additional session to gift to a friend or family member.
I believe it takes a minimum of 6 months for your entire inner ecology to shift towards a life more congruent with that which you truly want. However, after even a single session, do expect to experience a significant shift!
The LIFE TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM is my primary package! It is either 3, 6, or 12 months long.
The sessions follow a basic flow where we are clearing and healing all that's standing in the way for the first few months in all major areas of life.
The ULTIMATE LIFE TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM is the 1-year package, where miracles happen and you begin to attract all that which you want your way!
Looking back, you will NEVER be the same!
See a demo of some coaching sessions below.
Client Testimonial
Payment plans available!
Demo of Intuitive Coaching Sessions (with client's written permission)
In addition to priceless coaching, all 3+ month packages include:
Shara's Authored Book - Workbook (print copy)- "Unlocking the Body’s Wisdom, Accessing Your Healing Powers from Within” -($30 value)
Text/email/phone support between sessions as needed (invaluable)
Free access to all of Shara’s live single classes ($100 value)
1-weekend retreat at $100 off ($150 off 6-mo program, $300 off 1-yr program)
Free pre-coaching consultation to go through the menu of session options and choose the ones which are the most priority for you. This way you will have a program customed to you and your personalized needs. This will be a collaborative process!

6-Mo Program additional bonuses:
* Invitation to all of Shara's group programs
* 1 FREE 30-minute session to gift to a friend or family member
* Up to 5 sessions can be family coaching (i.e. with a partner or family member or dating companion)
*1 Optional Family Constellation (3-4 hr)
*Optional 1 reiki attunement followed by a 21-day detox cleanse
*One retreat at $150 off
* Access to either of Shara's Online Programs (self-paced approximately 12 modules each), The Body Healing Program or the Intuitive Training Program.
includes all the above PLUS:
* 2 FREE 45-minute sessions to gift to a good friend or family member
* Up to 12 sessions can be family coaching
* Free timeless access to both of Shara's Online Programs (self-paced approximately 12 modules each), The Body Healing Program and the Intuitive Training Program.
*1 several hr healing day...(which can involve an outing)

Learn how to manifest the life YOU Truly want & deserve!
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