The Woman Rising "Inner Circle"
Like a Phoenix Rising, the Woman Rising circle is a premium network of women-conscious entrepreneurs and change-makers, women who are committed to improving the world by first evolving and improving themselves.
This is a group dedicated to doing the deep dive work together...

unpacking the things that are holding us back and keeping us small and from being anything less than the Powerful Radiant Woman we were put onto this planet to become!
This circle will be focused on personal growth, friendship, and connection.

The Format:
• We will meet on Zoom 1X/month for 90 minutes
•After the 1st call, I will open the call up 15 min early for a casual meet and greet, for you to deepen your connections.
•We'll have a private Facebook group where you can post all of your questions, wins, intentions, goals, and/or shares
• I will put a bonus gift each month into our shared Wisdom Vault
Each call will consist of:
• Energy Clearing / Meditation
• Diad (partner exercises with 1 or 2 others) which may consist of journaling, discussion, reflection, and sharing
• 1 Focused Theme (i.e. the first month will be Head/Heart/3rd Eye connection)
• Shara's coaching, healings, and personalized guidance.
Investment ONLY $25/month
These are also called Synchronicity Circles as you may be amazed by some of the similarities you will have with others in the group.
What this means is that as Shara provides healing and information for one person, very likely the information will pertain to you as well! So my intention is for everyone to receive healing throughout this intimate call!
See a demo of a past reading circles (with attendee's permission to post these).
About Shara:
Shara has a unique ability to read each person one by one and get the essential information that is needed at this current time. She can see into one's subconscious and does an amazing job at putting a positive twist on all that she sees.
Gain the information and healing you are needing at this time!
To view more past circles please see: