A New Year a New You!
This past year has been heavy, to say the least....many of us have danced with the pain of death and release, and so many of us are looking to experience more fulfillment on a day-to-day level.
We are looking to deepen into our spirituality and connection with ourselves as well as others more than ever.
Hence, this is an important time for us to all come together and create a new intention, a new higher frequency where our divine light can radiate through! And touch all those in need of healing, beginning first and foremost with ourselves!
In this workshop we will look at the energy levels of 2023…what is ready to be released and any past time information and energy that may be getting in the way of creating a more vibrant new year ahead. We will also look at 5 major energy blocks that might be getting in the way for us achieving our goals.
This will be performed in the first half of the class.
For the second half of the class will we set a New Vibration for the New Year, ending by radiating this new frequency out into the world!
FREE for Subscribers!
Dec. 31st, 4-5:30PM MST
Register HERE
Invite your friends!
This will be a deep, fun, and connected Circle!
What to Expect
-A powerful guided meditation to release all that’s not serving you from 2023, and to set a new vibration for 2024.
-Receive channeled healing from Shara and a soul activation to set you into the vibration of love and abundance for the new year.
-In addition, Shara will guide you through a process to reflect upon the 5 major energy blocks that get in the way of actualizing what you want, and we’ll set a new intention around how you’d like to relate to them in the new year.
In the first half of the class, we’ll focus on the energy of 2023, then we’ll take a 7 min break. During this break, you are asked to put on a fun hat or something festive that resembles the energy you are calling in for 2024.
FREE for Subscribers, $25 otherwise:
Payments can also be made via:
Venmo - @shara-ogin (Ph# 3216)
Zelle - sharaogin@gmail.com