Unlocking the Body's Wisdom, Accessing Your Healing Powers from Within (ebook)
Hardcopy of the book you can purchase directly from Amazon under this title!
YOU have the power to reprogram unhealthy patterns and heal emotional wounds that lie beneath all pain states!
This book is a journey towards finding one's Life Purpose and Spiritual Bliss. And an excellent reference guide to keep on your bookshelf when disease and diagnoses arise!
Disease, illness, or symptoms develop when energy is blocked inside the body. Just look up your specific health challenge, as described in this book, and you will find the probable root cause for this health issue and the information you need to overcome it. Learn how to unlock the secret messages of your body so you can step into a life that expresses the fullness of who you are!
Please also see the accompanying workbook, Unlocking the Body’s Wisdom Workbook, for step-by-step practical exercises, meditations, and practices that accompany this book. Shara’s clients report that as a result of doing such work, they experience an easing or a complete release from physical and emotional pain symptoms. This is a doable manual for those seeking healing, those offering it, and those who wish to rise to the next level of their growth potential!